Corporate Profile

Our water comes to our plant with an indoor space of 10.000 m2 on a total land of 15.239 m2 located in the Yagcilar village of the town of Cine of the province of Aydin from a distance of 23 km in the Madran mountains at a flow rate of 3,417 l/s through pipelines.

Our company possesses a total of four water springs licensed by the Ministry of Health.

Power Behind Kaltun Madran: Kaltun Group

Kaltun Mining


Kaltun Mining is now one of the most powerful companies in the mining industry in which it stepped in the early 1960s in Turkey. Upon its achivements, the company has extended its mining operations and, on the other hand, entered new areas of activity. It has incorporated new companies and turned into a group of companies in this period.


As of the present day, the Kaltun Group consists of 16 companies. Of these companies, 9 are engaged in production and trading in the mining industry; 2 in agriculture and animal husbandry; 4 in shipping and 1 in energy.

3758 views / 12.07.2014 / CORPORATE PROFİLE