Our HR Policy

One of the companies of the Kaltun Group, Kaltun Madran Su has been one of the leading companies among the Natural Spring Water companies in the industry at the point which it has reached today. While causing healthy and delicious water to meet with its customers, it aims at applying such human resources policies which shall make some contribution to the personal and Professional development of each employee in our company, which shall raise their living standards and which shall create a sustainable learning environment, being conscious that the human resource is the source of achievement.

Under the leadership of the company management, our company aims at being a privileged group to work with by,

  •  introducing correct people to and placing them in the company; developing them, causing them to work with high motivation; making it possible for them to achieve ahigh performance as individuals and as a team;
  • ensuring them to be prepared for more important positions within the growth and development strategies of the company;
  •   ensuring the effectiveness of internal communication;
  • strengthening the sense of belonging;
  • causing respect for people to prevail;
  •  increasing the happiness of working for the company;
  • improving and providing effectiveness of Human Resources systems and practices to make the company mission, goals and strategies possible;
  • ensuring that the company shall be cited as an example in the field of Human Resources;
  •  revealing leadership skills, improving and maintaining them continuously and systematically; ensuring correct and effective leaders to be placed and improved within the company for many generations;
  • strengthening and sustaining the company culture and business phylosophy.

3580 views / 12.07.2014 / OUR HR POLİCY