How Much Water Should We Drink?

4140 views / 13.07.2014 / ARTİCLES in category...

Continuous loss of water occurs in the body in each respiration, through perspiration, urination and defecation. Particularly in hot and damp weather, after such activities which require high efforts, loss of water increases in the body. It is clear that we continuously need water so that all body functions required for life shall function and loss of water shall be prevented.

Daily need for water varies by the water amount contained in the body and by the energy it consumes.

Water is found in the body of adults at a rate of 55-75% and in that of newborn babies at a rate of 75-80 percent. As the age increases, the water rate in the body reduces, but need for water increases due to the increased body weight and energy consumption.


In adults, 1-1,5 millilitre (ml) water is needed per calory consumed. For instance, liquid need of a male adult who consumes 3000 calories is 3-4,5 litres.


And water need of babies and children is 1,5 ml per calory consumed. For instance, a 10-year old child who consumes 1200 calories needs 1,8 litres of water.


During pregnancy, need for energy and nutritional elements increases. Increase in blood volume and formation of amniotic fluid are basic causes of the increase in need for water. At least 0,5-1 l must be added to the amount of water which an expectant mother must take before pregnancy. An average of 3-3,5 litres is the amount of water needed by a pregnant woman.


Loss of Liquid Must Be Stabilised by Liquid Intake


The most basic source of water is drining water. Other than this, a great many foods and beverages are each a good source for us to satisfy our need for liquid. In particular, fresh fruits ans vegetables are other important sources of water. Metabolism also produces some water, but it may only satisfy so small a part of what we need. Of the daily water need, only 20% may be provided by food and 20% by beverages other than water. More than half of our daily water need (some 50-60%) must be directly provided by drinking water.


The most ideal percentage to satisfy the need for water must be 60% directly from water and 40% from food and beverages.


An adult who needs 3 litres of water must drink 1,5 litres of water as a minimum. A child who needs 2 litres of water must drink 1 litre of water as a minimum.


Average water consumption recommended for women, men and children per day is as follows:


Women: 10 glasses,

Men: 14 glasses,

Children: 6-8 glasses.

Those people who are overweighed must add 1 glass of water per surplus 5 kg of weight.


Loss of Liquid Must Be Stabilised by Liquid Intake


It is important for a healthy body that water taken in the body and water lost should be well-balanced at all times. For instance, an athlete practising outdoors for many hours in summer months loses approximately 1 litre of water through perspiration per hour. Therefore, amount of water which athletes shall drink every day must be calculated in consideration of the liquid they lose.


Do Not Wait to Get Thirsty in Order to Drink Water!



Getting thirsty is the most important indication of the fact that the body has lost water. Feeling of getting thirsty develops when the body loses 0,5 to 1 litre of water. Getting thirsty shows that need for water has increased, but this system may not function well in elderly people, in hot weather, in children, in cases of disease and in heavy physical activities. Therefore, one should drink water without waiting to get thirsty. Drinking 1 glass of water per hour is the most ideal method to satisfy the water need. When one drinks more water than he needs, such water may be easily excreted via the kidneys, but one must pay attention to drink water at the amount which shall satisfy his need.